Final Reflection

            This class has been very interesting but helpful. I never thought that I would need a class like this but it has proven itself to be worth it. It was not always easy and there was a lot of work but helped me learn the objective in different ways. It also helped me fine tune what I already knew in reference to some of the exercises in the book. The projects were a great way to put the exercises in motion and understand them in a different scenario. 
            There was a lot of work that went into accomplishing all of the exercises and reflections. They were helpful because they allowed you to see the assignment in different aspects.  It was hard to find the time for me to get the assignments done but I am happy that I was able to do so. It seemed like what needed to be learned could have been learned in a little less work.  The reflections were a good help in reviewing what I learned from each chapter. They were a necessary part of the completing the chapters. 
            I really enjoyed the discussion board. It was a good break from the book assignments and reflections. I liked the interaction with my classmates. It was nice to get to know them in the cyber world. The discussions were fun and interesting. They made me think about things that I have forgotten about or just never realized would be an issue or interesting to talk about. They really helped make this class more interesting.
            I had a hard time with project HOPE. It was the first project and I was not sure how do really accomplish the assignment because I have never taken an online class before. It helped me sort of get the hang of this whole online school thing.  It was a good topic because it is a very well known issue around the globe, especially here in the United States.  It was interesting to see the statistics of past teen pregnancies that went along with when I went to school. There were four girls in my class that got pregnant so it brought back some memories and matched the incline for that year on the graph.
            The group project was pretty difficult for me. It was hard to get everything in motion not being able to speak face to face. When we finally got to communicate we were able to get it going. His work schedule and my school/ family schedule conflicted but we finally were able to work it all out. It was helpful that we had the same interest of kids and sports so it wasn’t hard to come up with the issue to discuss. It was an eye opening issue that seems to get lost in the mix of other so called ‘important’ issues.
            The final individual project was a good assignment. It allowed me to research what was interesting to me and gave me the leeway to get it done when I could and not have to worry about how it would affect anyone else’s grade but my own. It made me responsible in my work and my efforts that needed to be put into it. I really enjoyed this assignment.
            Overall, it was a good class with a lot of busy work. It was helpful to fine tune what I knew and learn what I didn’t. I am glad that I took this class not only for a refresher but to learn how the online class world worked. It was quite the experience for me but I enjoyed it.